Csáji B. Cs., Horváth B.: Nonparametric, nonasymptotic confidence bands with paley-wiener kernels for band-limited functions. IEEE Control Systems Letters 6:3355-3360, (2022), D1
This letter introduces a method to construct confidence bands for bounded, band-limited functions based on a finite sample of input-output pairs. The approach is distribution-free w.r.t. the observation noises and only the knowledge of the input distribution is assumed. It is nonparametric, that is, it does not require a parametric model of the regression function and the regions have non-asymptotic guarantees. The algorithm is based on the theory of Paley-Wiener reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. This letter first studies the fully observable variant, when there are no noises on the observations and only the inputs are random; then it generalizes the ideas to the noisy case using gradient-perturbation methods. Finally, numerical experiments demonstrating both cases are presented.