The PhD Workshop jointly organised by SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control) and TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) took place on 4-5 May in Budapest. During the two-day event, researchers from the two institutes presented their work and results, and Austrian and Hungarian participants outlined opportunities for cooperation.
The first day of the programme was opened by József Váncza, Head of the esearch Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence, and various demonstrations were presented in the Innovation and Demonstration Space of SZTAKI. The event was followed by presentations on human-machine collaboration, where Austrian and Hungarian researchers shared their results on collaborative robotics, artificial intelligence and manufacturing design.
On the second day, 5 May, the event continued with a series of presentations on topics including industrial support systems, data analysis, machine learning and decision support systems. Participants had the opportunity to talk to each other and network during coffee breaks.
Several members of the COPROLOGS project team also presented.